County Records Gone published in the Morton Enterprise on May 10, 1895
This is a photograph of what the Renville County Courthouse looked like in 1895.
Arab like, the county officials have broken camp at Beaver Falls and pitched their tents in Olivia. They claim they had no right to transact business in Beaver Falls, after the dissolving of the injunction which held them there. They noted upon the opinion of County Attorney Miller, who, no doubt, has formed his opinion from the law governing appeals, and from the fact that the county officials are required by law to keep their offices at the county seat. But where is the county seat? That question is still undecided and will remain so until the courts are done with it. No law specifically provides for the location of the county seat during a contest, and we conclude from this that it was not the intent of the law to remove the county seat until the final decision of the courts so ordered. Notwithstanding this, we do not doubt that decisions having parallel significance and conclusions by attorneys from various points of law may hold that when there is no injunction or other proceeding retaining the county seat at Beaver (Falls), the proceedings (appeal) on the original question have no retaining power from removal. However it may be, it is an unjust law to the taxpayer that allows the county records to be carted about the cunty until it is definitely decided that the place removed to will be their future abode-the county seat. It is said that about 30 or 40 teams were employed in removing the records from Beaver to Olivia and that all Olivia took a holiday.
Editor’s Note: I checked the May 10 and 17 Renville County Union newspapers and there was no mention of this event. We are missing May 24 – June 7, 1895 Renville County Union newspapers.
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Posted: March 20, 2020 by Renville County Historical Society
County Records Gone published in the Morton Enterprise on May 10, 1895
Arab like, the county officials have broken camp at Beaver Falls and pitched their tents in Olivia. They claim they had no right to transact business in Beaver Falls, after the dissolving of the injunction which held them there. They noted upon the opinion of County Attorney Miller, who, no doubt, has formed his opinion from the law governing appeals, and from the fact that the county officials are required by law to keep their offices at the county seat. But where is the county seat? That question is still undecided and will remain so until the courts are done with it. No law specifically provides for the location of the county seat during a contest, and we conclude from this that it was not the intent of the law to remove the county seat until the final decision of the courts so ordered. Notwithstanding this, we do not doubt that decisions having parallel significance and conclusions by attorneys from various points of law may hold that when there is no injunction or other proceeding retaining the county seat at Beaver (Falls), the proceedings (appeal) on the original question have no retaining power from removal. However it may be, it is an unjust law to the taxpayer that allows the county records to be carted about the cunty until it is definitely decided that the place removed to will be their future abode-the county seat.
It is said that about 30 or 40 teams were employed in removing the records from Beaver to Olivia and that all Olivia took a holiday.
Editor’s Note: I checked the May 10 and 17 Renville County Union newspapers and there was no mention of this event. We are missing May 24 – June 7, 1895 Renville County Union newspapers.
Category: Beaver Fall, County Seat Battle, Morton Enterprise, Olivia Tags: Beaver Falls, County Seat Battle, Morton Enterprise, olivia