Published in the December 13, 1918 edition of the Buffalo Lake News
It is related that James Dobeas, a Henryvill boy, who is at present receiving treatment in an army hospital in Baltimore, took part in a memorable battle in which his company was practically annihilated. In a desperate charge made against the Germans only 28 men in his company escaped death and James was one of the 28. He was badly wounded and as a result will carry a stiff arm through life, but he will also carry an honorable record.
James Dobeas, son of Mr. & Mrs. Frank Dobeas. Born November 17, 1896 at Henryville, Minnesota; entered service at Olivia, September 18, 1917; transferred to Camp Dodge, Ia.; transferred to Camp Cody, October 1917; transferred to Camp Merritt, June 1918; overseas June 28, 1918, with Rainbow Div.; wounded August 28, 1918, at Chateau Thierry; discharged disabled, October 16, 1918.
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Posted: February 8, 2019 by Renville County Historical Society
James Dobeas, Rainbow Division World War I
Published in the December 13, 1918 edition of the Buffalo Lake News
It is related that James Dobeas, a Henryvill boy, who is at present receiving treatment in an army hospital in Baltimore, took part in a memorable battle in which his company was practically annihilated. In a desperate charge made against the Germans only 28 men in his company escaped death and James was one of the 28. He was badly wounded and as a result will carry a stiff arm through life, but he will also carry an honorable record.
Category: France, Quota, World War I, Wounded Tags: drafted, France, world war i, Wounded