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Letter From Manley Alsaker, Renville Star Farmer, 10-3-1918

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Aix-Les-Bains, Sept. 6, 1918

Dear Mr. Reid:

This trip of many may be of interest to you, to show you what the army does for us when they send us on our seven day leave. Aix-Les-Bains as you may know is next to the largest summer resort in France. Naturally you will find a great number of people here on account of all the good things it affords, such as baseball, tennis, golf, swimming and its location. It is located in the Alps Mountains near Mt. Revard, which ranks next to Mt. Blanc in height.

The Y.M.C.A. is the only one of its kind, being located in the Casino, in peace time, this is next to the largest gambling house in the world rating next to Monto Carlo. Nobody but a near millionaire could go into this building, so naturally the French think is might funny to see all the Americans go there. The building is said to have cost two million dollars to give you an idea of its size here is what you can go to in an evening; moving pictures, grand opera, band or orchestra concerts or a dance, besides these rooms they have a big waiting room, library, a pool and billiard room with about twenty tables, reception room and a big restaurant.

We attended the grand opera Traviata. Although in French we enjoyed it very much because of the good singers.

Must close as it is nearly time for the concert.

Yours truly, Manley Alsaker