441 North Park Drive, Morton, MN 56270 info@renvillecountyhistory.com 507.697.6147

A Good Road from Plymouth Rock to Puget Sound


A Good Road from Plymouth Rock to Puget Sound by John Wm. & Alice A. Ridge, paperback, 419 pages color. The Yellowstone Trail crosses through Minnesota starting at Dakota County in the east to Big Stone County in the west. The longest part of the route is right through Renville County. It is estimated that Granite Falls, Minnesota is the central point of the Yellowstone Trail. Michael Dowling lived in Renville and then in Olivia. His house still stands on DePue Street. For more information visit the website www.yellowstonetrailmn.com. Travel the trail today!


: A Modern Guide to Driving the Historic Yellowstone Trail 1912-1930 by John Wm. Ridge and Alice A. Ridge; It is the definitive, most complete book of the history of the Yellowstone Trail and a fine guide to everything along the Trail. You will find 46 Trail Tales that paint a picture of the Trail and the times. History Bits yielding the context of the Trail. An extensive Mile-by-Mile Guide to see sites and sights in each of the 13 states through which the Trail traveled. 300+ Detailed Maps to direct you along the original route. Over 800 Pictures to bring the times alive. Driving Notes to help you through tough spots. Come ride with us along with one of the first autoroutes across America, the 3,600 mile Yellowstone Trail. Whether traveling by auto or armchair, you will be guided along that 1912-1930 route.

The Yellowstone Trail crosses through Minnesota starting at Dakota County to Big Stone County. The longest part of the route is right through Renville County. It is estimated that Granite Falls, Minnesota is the central point of the Yellowstone Trail. Michael Dowling lived in Renville and then in Olivia. His house still stands on DePue Street.

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