This week the United War Work Campaign is to be essentially completed so far as concerns the soliciting of subscriptions. In some communities the people are coming across gladly and liberally, in others much reluctance is being encountered. The aim has been to allot to each person what he can relatively afford to pay – but what’s a few dollars when you are giving to a patriotic cause that demands our united support. Come across with you whole allotment and then put on an extra $5.00 bill and see if you don’t feel better when you go to bed at night. The committee is working for nothing so don’t make them wear their jaws out.
We don’t know
how many of the towns and villages are coming but we happen to know that the
village of Hector had its allotment oversubscribed by $150.00 Monday night. The
farmers in Hector township came in with $1100.00 on Monday and by this time the
whole allotment will have been subscribed.
One farmer was
asked for $25.00 and replied that he didn’t think it was right. “Why?” he said
“I haven’t any boys in the army and anyhow it ought to be a little higher.” So
he compromised on $35.00. His neighbor came in and asked how much his allotment
was and also what George, the first man had paid. When told that his was the
same he said “I’m worth just as much as George is and maybe more and besides
I’ve got a boy in the army. Make it $35.00 and I’ll pay it.
It looks now as
if our boys would soon be coming home, many of them at least. We won’t have
many more chances to do something for them so let’s get into the game now and
then when the smoke of battle has blown away we can look back with pride in our
hearts knowing that we helped the Great Cause gladly and to the best of our
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Posted: February 21, 2019 by Renville County Historical Society
War Work Drive Under Way, Buffalo Lake News, 11-15-1918
President Wilson’s United War Work Campaign
This week the United War Work Campaign is to be essentially completed so far as concerns the soliciting of subscriptions. In some communities the people are coming across gladly and liberally, in others much reluctance is being encountered. The aim has been to allot to each person what he can relatively afford to pay – but what’s a few dollars when you are giving to a patriotic cause that demands our united support. Come across with you whole allotment and then put on an extra $5.00 bill and see if you don’t feel better when you go to bed at night. The committee is working for nothing so don’t make them wear their jaws out.
We don’t know how many of the towns and villages are coming but we happen to know that the village of Hector had its allotment oversubscribed by $150.00 Monday night. The farmers in Hector township came in with $1100.00 on Monday and by this time the whole allotment will have been subscribed.
One farmer was asked for $25.00 and replied that he didn’t think it was right. “Why?” he said “I haven’t any boys in the army and anyhow it ought to be a little higher.” So he compromised on $35.00. His neighbor came in and asked how much his allotment was and also what George, the first man had paid. When told that his was the same he said “I’m worth just as much as George is and maybe more and besides I’ve got a boy in the army. Make it $35.00 and I’ll pay it.
It looks now as if our boys would soon be coming home, many of them at least. We won’t have many more chances to do something for them so let’s get into the game now and then when the smoke of battle has blown away we can look back with pride in our hearts knowing that we helped the Great Cause gladly and to the best of our ability.
Category: Buffalo Lake, Buffalo Lake News, Home Front, Minnesota, United War Work Campaign, War, World War I Tags: Hector, Renville county, Soldier, United War Work Campaign, world war i