Four Sons in Army, Father in Civil War, Buffalo Lake News, 11-8-1918
It may be of
interest to the readers of your paper to learn of the whereabouts of my sons.
When war was declared in Europe I could scarcely believe it and dreaded such a
war, for having gone through the Civil War I knew what another war would mean.
But when Uncle
Sam declared war in defense of the United States for which I fought four long
years, I wanted my boys to do their duty toward their country.
Oscar Schmidt
Four are now in service, Oscar enlisted. When he chose between corporal or truck driver for the coast artillery, he accepted corporal for “overseas” duty – Battery C. 36th artillery, Ft. Barrancas, Florida.
Walter Schmidt
Walter was
awarded a “chevron” inside of two weeks. He writes that he has charge of an anti-air
craft gun and a squad of men and is now in France.
Luvern (no photograph of him) volunteered in the S.A.T.C. at Northwestern College, Naperville, Illinois. He is just recovering from an attack of the influenza.
Waldermar (no photograph of him) is in England, Co. E. 343rd Infantry, on the Intelligence Division. He says it’s one of the most dangerous positions in the army.
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Posted: February 18, 2019 by Renville County Historical Society
Four Sons in Army, Father in Civil War, Buffalo Lake News, 11-8-1918
It may be of interest to the readers of your paper to learn of the whereabouts of my sons. When war was declared in Europe I could scarcely believe it and dreaded such a war, for having gone through the Civil War I knew what another war would mean.
But when Uncle Sam declared war in defense of the United States for which I fought four long years, I wanted my boys to do their duty toward their country.
Four are now in service, Oscar enlisted. When he chose between corporal or truck driver for the coast artillery, he accepted corporal for “overseas” duty – Battery C. 36th artillery, Ft. Barrancas, Florida.
Walter was awarded a “chevron” inside of two weeks. He writes that he has charge of an anti-air craft gun and a squad of men and is now in France.
Luvern (no photograph of him) volunteered in the S.A.T.C. at Northwestern College, Naperville, Illinois. He is just recovering from an attack of the influenza.
Waldermar (no photograph of him) is in England, Co. E. 343rd Infantry, on the Intelligence Division. He says it’s one of the most dangerous positions in the army.
Henry Schmidt, Commander of Post 85
Category: Buffalo Lake, Buffalo Lake News, Military, Minnesota, Renville County, World War I Tags: Buffalo Lake News, military, minnesota, Renville county, Soldier, world war i