Letter from Clarence Hassinger from France Morton Enterprise 10-25-1918
Clarence Joy Hassinger
Dear Mother and All, I’m not very busy today so I thought I would try and write some letters. I am going to write Harold a few lines. Do you hear from him very often? I am looking for mail from him. I have only received one letter from him and have written him three or four times. I would like to know if he gets my letters alright. I suppose Lawrence is quite accustomed to camp life by this time. I hope he likes it, and keeps his health as I think it will do him a world of good. Well, it will soon be winter time again. You can notice the change in the weather already. I don’t believe it will ever get as cold here though a it does at home. They say it snows very little and never stays on the ground. I guess they have plenty of rain to make up for it. I got three of the home papers day before yesterday. I saw a letter in one that Harold had written at Camp Upton. I guess he must of spent the Fourth of July there. Well, I had one Fourth of July celebration, which I think I will remember and I also enjoyed those papers even if they are nearly two months old when I receive them. They are just as much appreciated as if they were right off the press. It is just like coming home on a visit. Con and Kemp are still on the job and we are all feeling fine and often talk over old times when we meet. I had a happy surprise the other day I met Leo Keefe. We were the two happiest kids you ever saw. Well, I guess I will close for this time hoping to hear from you soon. We haven’t received any mail yet this week so expect a lot when it does come. Hoping you are well. With lots of love to all, Clarence Pvt. Clarence Hassinger, Co. A. 52nd Engrs. A.E.F. A.P.O.. No. 794, Perigueux, France
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Posted: January 17, 2019 by Renville County Historical Society
Letter from Clarence Hassinger from France Morton Enterprise 10-25-1918
Dear Mother and All,
I’m not very busy today so I thought I would try and write some letters. I am going to write Harold a few lines. Do you hear from him very often? I am looking for mail from him. I have only received one letter from him and have written him three or four times. I would like to know if he gets my letters alright.
I suppose Lawrence is quite accustomed to camp life by this time. I hope he likes it, and keeps his health as I think it will do him a world of good.
Well, it will soon be winter time again. You can notice the change in the weather already. I don’t believe it will ever get as cold here though a it does at home. They say it snows very little and never stays on the ground. I guess they have plenty of rain to make up for it.
I got three of the home papers day before yesterday. I saw a letter in one that Harold had written at Camp Upton. I guess he must of spent the Fourth of July there. Well, I had one Fourth of July celebration, which I think I will remember and I also enjoyed those papers even if they are nearly two months old when I receive them. They are just as much appreciated as if they were right off the press. It is just like coming home on a visit. Con and Kemp are still on the job and we are all feeling fine and often talk over old times when we meet.
I had a happy surprise the other day I met Leo Keefe. We were the two happiest kids you ever saw.
Well, I guess I will close for this time hoping to hear from you soon. We haven’t received any mail yet this week so expect a lot when it does come. Hoping you are well.
With lots of love to all, Clarence
Pvt. Clarence Hassinger, Co. A. 52nd Engrs. A.E.F. A.P.O.. No. 794, Perigueux, France
Category: 4th of July, A.E.F., Camp Upton, France, Letter, Military, Minnesota, Morton, Morton Enterprise, Renville County, Soldiers, World War I Tags: Letter, military, Renville county, Soldier, world war i