Service Flag has Six Stars Morton Enterprise 10-25-1918
Daun Brothers
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Daun of Birch Cooley are the proud possessors of a service flag, which has upon it six blue stars, signifying that they have six sons in the service of Uncle Sam. We very much doubt if there are many other families that can present as good a record. Word was recently received from Will, one of the boys, that he was wounded in the head while going over the top in France. Will is in the Infantry under the command of General Pershing. John, Frank and Ed are in the Navy and have been on sea duty for sometime. Earl, but recently called, is in Infantry and Pete has enlisted in the Marines. Besides these six boys, there are younger boys in the family, who are waiting for the time when they are old enough so that they too can get into the game of serving Uncle Sam.
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Posted: January 17, 2019 by Renville County Historical Society
Service Flag has Six Stars Morton Enterprise 10-25-1918
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Daun of Birch Cooley are the proud possessors of a service flag, which has upon it six blue stars, signifying that they have six sons in the service of Uncle Sam. We very much doubt if there are many other families that can present as good a record. Word was recently received from Will, one of the boys, that he was wounded in the head while going over the top in France. Will is in the Infantry under the command of General Pershing. John, Frank and Ed are in the Navy and have been on sea duty for sometime. Earl, but recently called, is in Infantry and Pete has enlisted in the Marines. Besides these six boys, there are younger boys in the family, who are waiting for the time when they are old enough so that they too can get into the game of serving Uncle Sam.
Category: Birch Cooley, Doughboy, France, Infantry, Marine, Military, Minnesota, Navy, Service Flag, Soldiers, World War I