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Act of Kindness, Bird Island Union, 11-14-1918

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The attached letter was received on Nov. 8th by Mr. Andrew Weber. Corporal Weber had just recovered from an attack of Spanish influenza at Camp Funston, when he notified his parents that he will soon be on his way across. On his way Corporal R. J. Weber stopped at Elyria, Ohio, and was entertained by the citizens of Elyria, as the letter of Mr. E. Jay Howentstine, Secy. Citizens Committee for Entertainment of Soldiers will testify. You may rest assured that a letter like Mr. Howenstine’s caused joy to parents of the boy. I take the liberty of publishing the letter without waiting to receive permission of doing so.

No double other villages and cities perform the same “Deeds of Kindness,” but few of them have the good fortune of having a secretary who knows the balue of recording these acts and sending them out to the homes and sending them to the homes and acquaintances and friends of the boys. The letter show again what we all know, that the boys receive the best care whether they are in the camp, on the way, or across the sea.

I can only add that all secretaries could accomplish a great deal of good by following Mr. E. J. Howenstine’s example of recording the outer world know it. It is an inspiration to every loyal American citizen to help back up the boys by their “Deed of Kindness” in supporting the government in every possible manner.

I wish to thank Mr. E. Jay Howenstine and the good people of Elyria what they have done for my boy and all the other soldier boys whom they entertained so loyally while they entertained so loyally while they had them as their guests. Finally I wish to say that I promised Mr. E. Jay Howenstine a copy of the Bird Island Union, in which his letter will be published are worthy of point may be published in the newspaper of Elyria, Ohio;

Mr. Andrew Weber, Bird Island, Minn.

Dear Sir;

It is our pleasure to inform you that your son Corporal R. J. Weber was our guest last night for dinner and this morning for breakfast. He with his Company spent the night in this building.

He had been on the road since early morning, and while tired our after a hard day’s drive, was the picture of health and in fine spirits.

The meals are prepared and served by the women of Elyria and the program in its entirety is supported by the citizens of Elyria and adjoining territory. This in a small measure bespeaks the great love and esteem held by the Elyria people toward the men who are protecting our freedom and liberty.

We sincerely trust that it may be our pleasure to extend this little courtesy to your son again in the near future and with our kindest regards, we beg to remain.

Very sincerely, E. JAY HOWENSTINE, Secretary, CITIZENS COMMITTEE, For entertainment of Soldiers