Letter from Andrew Anderson, Fairfax Standard, 12-12-1918
Andrew Anderson February 14, 1897 – December 1, 1962
Camp MacArthur,
Waco, Tex, Dec. 6, 1918
Dear Bro. Leo,
Just got your
letter this evening and as I have a little spare time I tho’t I would take
advantage of the opportunity and answer it, because in the army we don’t always
have time to do these things when we want to.
Well, we have
enjoyed some fine weather these last few days. I the day time is is very warm
but nights are cold like the dickens and you can imagine how warm our sleeping
quarters are. We have not seen any sign of snow so far and I am very glad of it
because it is bad enough here when we get rain.
There is
nothing on which we can base an opinion as to when we are going home, but I
have the expectation, at least, that I will be home for the Christmas reunion.
This morning a battalion of enlisted men from Camp Logen came into this camp
and as far as I can understand they will remain here for guard duty and relieve
us. They have already started demobilizing but as this is one of the largest
camps in the United States the decreasing does not show very much.
I got a large
box of cake, cookies and candy from a friend the other day. It certainly is
fine to get such things from our friends at home and it goes a long way towards
making army life pleasant. I don’t know how I am going to manage it when I get
back, because it is hard to have two girls, when they live so close together
that the one can hear the exhaust when you go and see the other. Wish someone
would help me out.
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Posted: February 21, 2019 by Renville County Historical Society
Letter from Andrew Anderson, Fairfax Standard, 12-12-1918
February 14, 1897 – December 1, 1962
Camp MacArthur, Waco, Tex, Dec. 6, 1918
Dear Bro. Leo,
Just got your letter this evening and as I have a little spare time I tho’t I would take advantage of the opportunity and answer it, because in the army we don’t always have time to do these things when we want to.
Well, we have enjoyed some fine weather these last few days. I the day time is is very warm but nights are cold like the dickens and you can imagine how warm our sleeping quarters are. We have not seen any sign of snow so far and I am very glad of it because it is bad enough here when we get rain.
There is nothing on which we can base an opinion as to when we are going home, but I have the expectation, at least, that I will be home for the Christmas reunion. This morning a battalion of enlisted men from Camp Logen came into this camp and as far as I can understand they will remain here for guard duty and relieve us. They have already started demobilizing but as this is one of the largest camps in the United States the decreasing does not show very much.
I got a large box of cake, cookies and candy from a friend the other day. It certainly is fine to get such things from our friends at home and it goes a long way towards making army life pleasant. I don’t know how I am going to manage it when I get back, because it is hard to have two girls, when they live so close together that the one can hear the exhaust when you go and see the other. Wish someone would help me out.
Will now close, with good luck to you all.
I am as ever, Corpl. And. A. Anderson
Category: Camp MacArthur, Christmas, Letter Tags: Camp MacArthur, Letter, minnesota, Renville county, Soldier, world war i