Letter From Florense Grimes, Franklin Tribune, 11-14-1918
Florence Grimes February 25, 1892 – July 17, 1968
On Active
Service, Oct. 6, 1918
Just received a
Tribune today, the second one since I arrived and I guess it reminded me that
it’s some time since I wrote. I read it until I know most of it by heart. There
are two long letters in it from Mat Mahlum and Palmer Lund. They hit pretty
hard at the Pro’s and N.P’s. If they were over here they sure would swear
vengeance on them and the Huns.
We are living
pretty good with plenty of eats so we can’t complain. I sure miss the candy and
sweet stuff, as we don’t get any of it here. I’d give five Franks for a bar of
chocolate right now. The French had a sub for candy and ice cream, but once is
all any of us try it. We have all the grapes we can eat as they are ripe now,
but that’s about the only fruit we can get.
The time seems
to go fast. It’s nearly two months since I arrived here. I guess it’s because
we work Sundays and every day. You know we are busy or we wouldn’t do that. I
can’t tell you what I am doing as it wouldn’t pass the censor.
We have a fine,
big Y.M.C.A. here and have musical entertainments and movies quite often. We
sure enjoy them.
We are camped
close to a city. I haven’t been to it yet, as I have been working all the time.
But the boys that have seen it say it’s the nicest city we have been in.
My, it’s been a
long time since I heard from home. I guess they must have stopped writing. It
seems hard to find anything to write about here. You want to write when you can
find any news to write as any thing is news to us from home.
Greetings to
all, Pvt. Florense T. Grimes, Co. B. 44th Regt. T.C., A.E.F. via N.
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Posted: February 21, 2019 by Renville County Historical Society
Letter From Florense Grimes, Franklin Tribune, 11-14-1918
February 25, 1892 – July 17, 1968
On Active Service, Oct. 6, 1918
Franklin Tribune,
Just received a Tribune today, the second one since I arrived and I guess it reminded me that it’s some time since I wrote. I read it until I know most of it by heart. There are two long letters in it from Mat Mahlum and Palmer Lund. They hit pretty hard at the Pro’s and N.P’s. If they were over here they sure would swear vengeance on them and the Huns.
We are living pretty good with plenty of eats so we can’t complain. I sure miss the candy and sweet stuff, as we don’t get any of it here. I’d give five Franks for a bar of chocolate right now. The French had a sub for candy and ice cream, but once is all any of us try it. We have all the grapes we can eat as they are ripe now, but that’s about the only fruit we can get.
The time seems to go fast. It’s nearly two months since I arrived here. I guess it’s because we work Sundays and every day. You know we are busy or we wouldn’t do that. I can’t tell you what I am doing as it wouldn’t pass the censor.
We have a fine, big Y.M.C.A. here and have musical entertainments and movies quite often. We sure enjoy them.
We are camped close to a city. I haven’t been to it yet, as I have been working all the time. But the boys that have seen it say it’s the nicest city we have been in.
My, it’s been a long time since I heard from home. I guess they must have stopped writing. It seems hard to find anything to write about here. You want to write when you can find any news to write as any thing is news to us from home.
Greetings to all, Pvt. Florense T. Grimes, Co. B. 44th Regt. T.C., A.E.F. via N. Y.
Category: A.E.F., France, Franklin, Franklin Tribune, HUn, Letter, Military, Minnesota, Renville County, World War I, Y.M.C.A. Tags: A.E.F., France, Franklin Tribune, Letter, military, Renville county, Soldier, world war i, Y.M.C.A.