Letter from Floyd Fuller, Morton Enterprise, 12-13-1918
Floyd Fuller January 14, 1900 – August 14, 1993
Fuller Writes from France
in France, Nov. 10, 1918
received your letter of October the tenth, which was the first I have received
since I left the states. I sure was glad to get it; was glad to get the
clipping from the paper too.
send me some of the home papers for I sure like to get some news from home.
to hear that Mrs. Buth was sick, but I suppose she is better now as your letter
was a month on the way.
Charley Haas that I said he won’t be sorry if he gets over here because I sure
am glad I got here. I wouldn’t stay home for all of John D. Rockfellow’s pile
while this war is going on. They could not hire me to leave before it is over
as the worst thing on earth is a slacker or draft dodger. I have some
experiences since I got over but we are not allowed to tell very much so I
can’t tell you what I have seen.
longer one stays over here in the army the more he realizes the value of a
country like ours and the more willing he is to risk his life in fighting for
the Stars and Stripes.
am getting used to this army life now and am rather enjoying it, regardless of
the hardships of army life.
did not give me Al’s address and I have not got it so I can’t write to him but
would like to. He may be somewhere near here and I may be able to find him if I
know what company and division he is in.
you get the handkerchief I sent you?
it is nearly time to turn in so will ring off for this time. With love to all.
son, Pvt. Floyd F. Fuller, 6 Aero Park, A.E.F. France
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Posted: February 22, 2019 by Renville County Historical Society
Letter from Floyd Fuller, Morton Enterprise, 12-13-1918
January 14, 1900 – August 14, 1993
Floyd Fuller Writes from France
Somewhere in France, Nov. 10, 1918
Dear parents,
I received your letter of October the tenth, which was the first I have received since I left the states. I sure was glad to get it; was glad to get the clipping from the paper too.
Please send me some of the home papers for I sure like to get some news from home.
Sorry to hear that Mrs. Buth was sick, but I suppose she is better now as your letter was a month on the way.
Tell Charley Haas that I said he won’t be sorry if he gets over here because I sure am glad I got here. I wouldn’t stay home for all of John D. Rockfellow’s pile while this war is going on. They could not hire me to leave before it is over as the worst thing on earth is a slacker or draft dodger. I have some experiences since I got over but we are not allowed to tell very much so I can’t tell you what I have seen.
The longer one stays over here in the army the more he realizes the value of a country like ours and the more willing he is to risk his life in fighting for the Stars and Stripes.
I am getting used to this army life now and am rather enjoying it, regardless of the hardships of army life.
You did not give me Al’s address and I have not got it so I can’t write to him but would like to. He may be somewhere near here and I may be able to find him if I know what company and division he is in.
Did you get the handkerchief I sent you?
Well, it is nearly time to turn in so will ring off for this time. With love to all.
Your son, Pvt. Floyd F. Fuller, 6 Aero Park, A.E.F. France
Category: A.E.F., France, Letter Tags: France, military, minnesota, Renville county, Soldier, world war i