Letter from Claude Smith Morton Enterprise 11-15-1918
Claude Smith July 14, 1897 – August 7, 1954
Oct. 20, 1918
Dear Sister,
Well, I received three letters from you today and was sure glad to hear
from you. I got two letters from home today. I think ma is worrying
unnecessarily for I’m alright. This leaves me pretty well, had my tonsils
removed a few days ago so my throat is still pretty sore.
I was in bed five weeks with diphtheria but couldn’t have had better
care than I had. I don’t think I’ll have any more trouble with my throat since
I got my tonsils removed. They were about as big as my fist.
I got my first pay yesterday-nineteen pounds-that’s over ninety
dollars. Want to send some of it home when I get around to it.
I expect to be back on duty in eight or ten days and I hope I never
have to go to a hospital again. Was sorry to hear that the baby got hurt. I
never knew I was so close to Clarence Miller-his ship left as we came.
Well, I think I will close for this time.
With love, your brother, Claude S. Smith
P.S. Oct. 21st. Just got two more letters from you. U.S.S.
Texas, Care of Postmaster, Box E.D., New York, N.Y.
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Last Updated: February 21, 2019 by Renville County Historical Society
Letter from Claude Smith Morton Enterprise 11-15-1918
July 14, 1897 – August 7, 1954
Oct. 20, 1918
Dear Sister,
Well, I received three letters from you today and was sure glad to hear from you. I got two letters from home today. I think ma is worrying unnecessarily for I’m alright. This leaves me pretty well, had my tonsils removed a few days ago so my throat is still pretty sore.
I was in bed five weeks with diphtheria but couldn’t have had better care than I had. I don’t think I’ll have any more trouble with my throat since I got my tonsils removed. They were about as big as my fist.
I got my first pay yesterday-nineteen pounds-that’s over ninety dollars. Want to send some of it home when I get around to it.
I expect to be back on duty in eight or ten days and I hope I never have to go to a hospital again. Was sorry to hear that the baby got hurt. I never knew I was so close to Clarence Miller-his ship left as we came.
Well, I think I will close for this time.
With love, your brother, Claude S. Smith
P.S. Oct. 21st. Just got two more letters from you. U.S.S. Texas, Care of Postmaster, Box E.D., New York, N.Y.
Category: Letter, Military, Minnesota, Morton, Morton Enterprise, U.S.S. Texas, World War I Tags: military, Morton Enterprise, Navy, U.S.S. Texas