Palmer Adwell
People of Renville Do Honor to the Memory of Marine Who Died in Battle.
Church Decorated in Flowers
Memorial services were held at the M. E. church Sunday afternoon in honor of Palmer Adwell, who so nobly gave his young life that democracy might live on the earth. The house was crowded to its capacity on the occasion. The altar was nicely decorated with floral emblems and a picture of the deceased had a place among the flowers.
Following an impressive prayer by the pastor Judge Daly arose and with much feeling addressed the meeting and the parents and family on the heroic death of this young man on the field of battle, fighting for a cause that was dear to every patriot. Words were weak and could not be used except in sympathy to fill the place made void in the hearts of his parents, but the cause for which he died will live forever in the hearts of his countrymen and his name will be enrolled on the tablet of time and live forever as one who stepped into the breach in the time of his country’s greatest need and gave all that he had – his life.
Rev. Henry Nobbs gave the closing address. In an able manner her described the life of a soldier at this time, not knowing what day may bring forth, the unspeakable methods of a cruel and relentless enemy and what the boys in Khaki must face at this time that they may make the world a fit place in which to live. It was a stirring patriotic appeal and comforting to the parents and family of deceased. The memorial was a fitting tribute to the first one to fall in battle from Renville county in the war.
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Posted: November 28, 2018 by Renville County Historical Society
Memorial Services in Honor of P.A. Adwell published in the Renville Star Farmer July 11, 1918
Palmer Adwell
People of Renville Do Honor to the Memory of Marine Who Died in Battle.
Church Decorated in Flowers
Memorial services were held at the M. E. church Sunday afternoon in honor of Palmer Adwell, who so nobly gave his young life that democracy might live on the earth. The house was crowded to its capacity on the occasion. The altar was nicely decorated with floral emblems and a picture of the deceased had a place among the flowers.
Following an impressive prayer by the pastor Judge Daly arose and with much feeling addressed the meeting and the parents and family on the heroic death of this young man on the field of battle, fighting for a cause that was dear to every patriot. Words were weak and could not be used except in sympathy to fill the place made void in the hearts of his parents, but the cause for which he died will live forever in the hearts of his countrymen and his name will be enrolled on the tablet of time and live forever as one who stepped into the breach in the time of his country’s greatest need and gave all that he had – his life.
Rev. Henry Nobbs gave the closing address. In an able manner her described the life of a soldier at this time, not knowing what day may bring forth, the unspeakable methods of a cruel and relentless enemy and what the boys in Khaki must face at this time that they may make the world a fit place in which to live. It was a stirring patriotic appeal and comforting to the parents and family of deceased. The memorial was a fitting tribute to the first one to fall in battle from Renville county in the war.
Category: History, Honor Roll, Military, Minnesota, Renville, World War I Tags: honor roll, minnesota, mn, newspaper, Renville, Renville county, war, world war i