Fourteen Men From Renville County Enlist in U.S. Aviation Corps. — EIGHT OLIVIA BOYS ENLIST — Government May Call For More Volunteers from Minnesota in Near Future.
A call was issued recently by the war department for volunteers from the various states to commence training in the aviation corps. The quota of men called from Renville County was fourteen and this call was promptly answered, seven of the number to volunteer being from Olivia.
A much larger number than was called for offered their services and indicated a desire to enlist. The call was received by Sheriff Sunde Saturday morning and by noon of the same day the required number had enlisted. The ment will leave Olivia on April 9th, for Pittsburg where they will enter the university for a course of training in the aviation corps. The number includes from Olivia: Geo. E. Pepin, A.L. Jansen, Theo. Berge, Oscar Windhorst, Clifford Strom, Jos. Koterbe and Warren Mitchell; Sacred Heart: Tolmer Boggee and Theo Hansen; Renville: William McBloom, Lester Smith, Ed. Geisler and Clement Schaffer; Bird Island: Ira Strom. A number of others applied for enlistment but were too late to get in on this call.
The local board expects to receive another call for volunteers in the near future and any young man desiring to answer this call as a volunteer should file his application with the board at his earliest convenience. The call will probably come before many days, but for what department of service, is not yet know.
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Last Updated: September 5, 2018 by Renville County Historical Society
DEPARTMENT CALLS FOR VOLUNTEERS published in the Olivia Times on April 4, 1918
Fourteen Men From Renville County Enlist in U.S. Aviation Corps. — EIGHT OLIVIA BOYS ENLIST — Government May Call For More Volunteers from Minnesota in Near Future.
A call was issued recently by the war department for volunteers from the various states to commence training in the aviation corps. The quota of men called from Renville County was fourteen and this call was promptly answered, seven of the number to volunteer being from Olivia.
A much larger number than was called for offered their services and indicated a desire to enlist. The call was received by Sheriff Sunde Saturday morning and by noon of the same day the required number had enlisted. The ment will leave Olivia on April 9th, for Pittsburg where they will enter the university for a course of training in the aviation corps. The number includes from Olivia: Geo. E. Pepin, A.L. Jansen, Theo. Berge, Oscar Windhorst, Clifford Strom, Jos. Koterbe and Warren Mitchell; Sacred Heart: Tolmer Boggee and Theo Hansen; Renville: William McBloom, Lester Smith, Ed. Geisler and Clement Schaffer; Bird Island: Ira Strom. A number of others applied for enlistment but were too late to get in on this call.
The local board expects to receive another call for volunteers in the near future and any young man desiring to answer this call as a volunteer should file his application with the board at his earliest convenience. The call will probably come before many days, but for what department of service, is not yet know.
Category: World War I Tags: Bird Island, Buffalo Lake, danube, Fairfax, Franklin, Hector, history, minnesota, morton, museum, newspaper, olivia, Olivia Times, Renville, Renville county, Sacred Heart, Veteran, world war i