Editor’s Note: Deleuda est Olivia translation: Olivia must be destroyed! The Renville County Union was published in Bird Island and would later on November 20, 1903, would be named the Bird Island Union.
To the People of Renville County: That our friends in all parts of the county may understand our conduct in the latest development of the county seat contest, we make the following statement: We believe and for weeks past have believed that Olivia’s petition will not stand the test of the law. On the 21st day of September, we applied to Judge Powers for a temporary injunction to prevent action on the Olivia petition. The Judge refused to grant the injunction but issued an order requiring the Commissioners to show cause on the 24th of September, why the injunction should not be issued. At the same time, he admitted that the complaint on which we applied for an injunction stated a cause of action, therefore his refusal to issue the injunction cannot count against our position. We refused to serve the order to show cause; for the reason that even after the hearing on this order the Judge might again refuse the injunction. We knew that if he did so the commissioners would then in all probability refuse to listen to our objections and would proceed to act on the Olivia petition. Of course, we could appeal, but before the appeal could be decided the county seat would be moved to Olvia. As our only object in attempting to secure the injunction was precautionary, we then dropped the matter and decided to rely entirely upon the sense of fairness and judgment of the Board. We, therefore, appeared before the Board on the 24th and asked them to refuse to act on the Olivia petition until the several questions of law were decided and for the following reasons: FIRST. We offered to step into the county’s shoes and bear all the expense of the contest. SECOND. If the Board should refuse to act, Olivia could commence mandamus proceedings which would stop all action on the petition until the law questions could be decided by the Supreme Court, while if we commences an injunction proceeding on notice, ti might not stop such action on the petition, and in case the courts should afterward hold against Olivia on any of these questions of law the county would have to bear the heavy expense of a special election all for nothing. THIRD. If the Board should refuse to act they would be treating Olivia the same as they did Bird Island by obliging her to prove the validity of her petition in the courts as they required Bird Island to do. But a majority of the Board refused to listen to ur arguments, although the attorney general in a written opinion expressed doubt as to the validity of the Olivia petition. The Board by a majority vote has called an election on the Olivia petition to be held on October 25. In view of the above facts, Bird Island must either lie down and allow the county seat to be moved to Olivia on what we regard as illegal proceedings, or we must take such steps as the law allows to protect our rights. We have determined to pursue the latter course. We shall do our utmost to prevent Olivia from receiving the required 55 percent of votes to be cast at the proposed election, and if she does succeed in carrying the election we will contest the election in the courts. We, therefore, appeal to all who wish this matter settled according to law to stand by us in our attempt to carry out the above program. WE gain remind the people of the county that our “Court House” still stands in imposing grandeur on one of the finest blocks of land in Renville County and in the beautiful village at the head of navigation, the far-famed deed to which block and building is still held by the county auditor. Dated October 2nd, 1900. Bird Island Co. Seat Committee
This building was originally built to be the Renville County Courthouse as referred to above. It served as a school for a few years and then we destroyed by fire.
The Supreme Court, by its decision on the 2nd of
August, 1900, has turned the Bird Island petition down, holding in its decision
that the Board of County Commissioners had no jurisdiction to act upon the said
petition at the meeting which was called the 23rd of August, 1899,
at which time, the Board of Commissioners decided that they had no jurisdiction
to act upon the said petition at that time. The Supreme Court sustained them in
that action.
Bird Island is no longer in the field as a contestant for county seat honors, the only fight now, is between Beaver Falls and Olivia, and all those who desire removal should support Olivia, as it is the only place to which the county seat can be removed from Beaver Falls.
The news of the court’s decision was received last Thursday
and to say that the people of Olivia were jubilant, is, of course, putting it
very mildly. For over twenty years the time-worn question of removing the
county seat from its present location at Beaver Falls, to either Bird Island or
Olivia, has been before the people of the county, but a stubborn resistance on
both sides and much lawin’, has left the matter unsettled all these years much
to the inconvenience and discomfort of those living any great distance from the
county seat. The farmers and residents of other towns have all along asserted
that the county seat must be moved toa more central point in the county, and
have signified their willingness to support the contesting town securing a
legal petition. Bird Island’s petition has been declared illegal by the highest
court in Minnesota, which ends county seat matters as far as that place is
The 2nd Courthouse Built in Beaver Falls completed May 1900 for $2000.
Editor’s Note: You can buy a copy of The Renville County Courthouse Story via our website. We continue to research and learn every day!
Editor’s Note: If you have information on the class please contact Nicole at the Museum 507-697-6147 or email her [email protected]. We are seeking information on the graduates including spouses, parents and current locations. RCHS is seeking the donation of yearbooks from all of the Renville County towns and consolidated school districts.
Local American Legion Post Now Numbers More than Thirty-five and Growing!
The Franklin Post of the American Legion, Martin-Jensen Post No. 308, is rapidly growing into a strong organization and before long will include all of the servicemen in this community. It was organized with the required fifteen charter members less than two months ago and has now more than doubled membership with application coming in before every meeting of the post. The charter members are R.A. Dahms, Raymond Erickson, Spencer Erickson, Early Erlandson, George Foss, Matt Fox, Arthur H. Johnson, Evan Larson, Leonard Lund, Palmer Lund, N.M. Mahlum, Bert Martin,k Elmer Otnes, John L. Peterson, Harold Poss. Before a charter is granted, a prospective post the application must bear the signature of fifteen members. Since the charter was received the following named members have been taken into the post: Owen Anderson, Chester Desmond, Archie Gallery, W.m T. Grimes, John Hanlon, Nels Hanson, Joseph McParland, R.J. Neunsinger, Alfred I. Thompson, Leon Thompson, Gilbert Waters, Clifton West, Archie Whetston, Elmer Steen, John O. Erickson, Jos. R. Ford, Emery Bloom, John I. Thompson, Alfred C. Thompson, Edward Wellnitz. More applications are ready to be submitted to the executive committee. Martin-Jensen post is named for two service boys of this community who gave their lives in France. Joe Martin died on the battlefield in France while Julius Jensen died of influenza at the ort of Brest shortly after arriving there. A special meeting of Martin-Jensen Post was held Nov. 28, nineteen members being present. The meeting was called to order by Commandant Dahms. Business pertaining to the post was transacted. Resolutions were passed condemning the shooting of four Comrades at Centralia, Washington. The entire meeting united in pledging support to our government and the Legion with one hundred percent Americanism. Martin-Jensen Post wishes to extend thanks to all who assisted and contributed towards the Legion dance given Nov. 25. The Workman hall has been procured for Martin-Jensen Post future meetings. A booth will be maintained in the village hall for the sale of Red Cross Christmas seals and this booth will be run under the supervision of the post. The motto adopted by Martin-Jensen Post is: “One for All and All for One.”
The One Union by Edgar A. Guest One for all and all for one! This was the cry that once we made. And great the buildings reared upon The stones which our forefathers laid; Our flag lights every sky today, A symbol of the world’s renown, The beacon of the better way. Shall all selfish creatures tear it down?
Beyond your need for yellow gold, Above your love for hours of ease, Oh, toiler at the bench or mold, Greater than all idolatries There is a trust for you to keep, A love that’s better than them all: For ages shall your children weep If now the Starry Flag shall fall. Honest the toil and fair the pay! United thus must free men stand To hold the gate and bar the way To all that would destroy our land. Above the fortune and the place Of which too much the wealthy brag. Now, for the glory of our race, Must capital esteem our flag!
But one way now all men must take One path to journey, side by side; No discord must our courage shake, No hatred must our strength divide. The greatest union calls us all, Its fate upon our will awaits; Now rich or port, whate’er befall, Must work for our United States.
The test case to decide the validity of the Soldiers Bonus Law has been advanced on the Supreme Court calendar and arguments will be heard on December 19, 1919, and decision rendered shortly thereafter. National Headquarters advises that new charters will be issued to all posts, to be signed by the first duly elected National officers. Local posts will continue to use the temporary charters at the present, which are to be replaced by the Permanent Chaters at a later date. In order to obtain a reissue of certain articles of uniform clothing and equipment, in case articles restored to the government to whom for any reason never issued, may make application to Supplies Division, Office of Director of Storage, Munitions Building, Washington, D.C., whereupon similar clothing and uniform in kind and value as near as may be, will be returned to him.
Object of Soldier Organization is to Foster Americanism and Support Constitution.
During the past few weeks, there has been some talk of organizing a post of the American Legion at Franklin but no action has so far been taken. This is an opportune time to go into action. Posts have been organized in neighboring towns and the work is carried on with enthusiasm. There are more than sixty soldiers and sailors in the Franklin community and this number would make a strong post. There seems to have been some doubt as to what the American Legion is, what it stands for and its purposes. The membership of the organization is defined in its constitution and its purposes are set forth in the preamble. Article 11 of the Constitution is as follows: “All persons shall be eligible to membership in this organization who were in the military or naval service of the United States during the period between April 6, 1917, and November 11, 1918, both dates inclusive, and all persons who served in the military or naval service of any government associated with the United States during the World war provided that they were citizens at the time of application, except those person separated from the service under terms amounting to dishonorable discharge, and except those person who refused to perform their military duties on the ground of conscientious objection.” The preamble to the constitution reads as follows: For God and Country we associate ourselves together for the following purposes: To uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of Amers; To maintain law and order; To foster and perpetuate a one hundred percent Americanism; To preserve the memories and incidents of our association in the Great War; To inculcate a sense of individual obligation of the community, state and nation; To combat the autocracy of both the classes and the masses; To make right the master of might; To promote peace and goodwill on earth; To safeguard and transmit to posterity the principles of justice, freedom, and democracy; To concentrate and sanctify our comradeship by our devotion to mutual helpfulness.”
Posted: March 20, 2020 by Renville County Historical Society Leave a Comment
BIRD ISLAND MUST WIN! DELEUDA EST OLIVIA! published in the Renville County Union newspaper on October 5, 1900.
Editor’s Note: Deleuda est Olivia translation: Olivia must be destroyed! The Renville County Union was published in Bird Island and would later on November 20, 1903, would be named the Bird Island Union.
To the People of Renville County:
That our friends in all parts of the county may understand our conduct in the latest development of the county seat contest, we make the following statement:
We believe and for weeks past have believed that Olivia’s petition will not stand the test of the law. On the 21st day of September, we applied to Judge Powers for a temporary injunction to prevent action on the Olivia petition. The Judge refused to grant the injunction but issued an order requiring the Commissioners to show cause on the 24th of September, why the injunction should not be issued. At the same time, he admitted that the complaint on which we applied for an injunction stated a cause of action, therefore his refusal to issue the injunction cannot count against our position. We refused to serve the order to show cause; for the reason that even after the hearing on this order the Judge might again refuse the injunction. We knew that if he did so the commissioners would then in all probability refuse to listen to our objections and would proceed to act on the Olivia petition. Of course, we could appeal, but before the appeal could be decided the county seat would be moved to Olvia. As our only object in attempting to secure the injunction was precautionary, we then dropped the matter and decided to rely entirely upon the sense of fairness and judgment of the Board.
We, therefore, appeared before the Board on the 24th and asked them to refuse to act on the Olivia petition until the several questions of law were decided and for the following reasons:
FIRST. We offered to step into the county’s shoes and bear all the expense of the contest.
SECOND. If the Board should refuse to act, Olivia could commence mandamus proceedings which would stop all action on the petition until the law questions could be decided by the Supreme Court, while if we commences an injunction proceeding on notice, ti might not stop such action on the petition, and in case the courts should afterward hold against Olivia on any of these questions of law the county would have to bear the heavy expense of a special election all for nothing.
THIRD. If the Board should refuse to act they would be treating Olivia the same as they did Bird Island by obliging her to prove the validity of her petition in the courts as they required Bird Island to do.
But a majority of the Board refused to listen to ur arguments, although the attorney general in a written opinion expressed doubt as to the validity of the Olivia petition.
The Board by a majority vote has called an election on the Olivia petition to be held on October 25.
In view of the above facts, Bird Island must either lie down and allow the county seat to be moved to Olivia on what we regard as illegal proceedings, or we must take such steps as the law allows to protect our rights.
We have determined to pursue the latter course. We shall do our utmost to prevent Olivia from receiving the required 55 percent of votes to be cast at the proposed election, and if she does succeed in carrying the election we will contest the election in the courts.
We, therefore, appeal to all who wish this matter settled according to law to stand by us in our attempt to carry out the above program.
WE gain remind the people of the county that our “Court House” still stands in imposing grandeur on one of the finest blocks of land in Renville County and in the beautiful village at the head of navigation, the far-famed deed to which block and building is still held by the county auditor.
Dated October 2nd, 1900.
Bird Island Co. Seat Committee
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Posted: March 19, 2020 by Renville County Historical Society Leave a Comment
Bird Island Turned Down…Supreme Court of Minnesota Decides Her Petition an Illegal One… Published in the Olivia Times on August 2, 1900.
The Supreme Court, by its decision on the 2nd of August, 1900, has turned the Bird Island petition down, holding in its decision that the Board of County Commissioners had no jurisdiction to act upon the said petition at the meeting which was called the 23rd of August, 1899, at which time, the Board of Commissioners decided that they had no jurisdiction to act upon the said petition at that time. The Supreme Court sustained them in that action.
Bird Island is no longer in the field as a contestant for county seat honors, the only fight now, is between Beaver Falls and Olivia, and all those who desire removal should support Olivia, as it is the only place to which the county seat can be removed from Beaver Falls.
The news of the court’s decision was received last Thursday and to say that the people of Olivia were jubilant, is, of course, putting it very mildly. For over twenty years the time-worn question of removing the county seat from its present location at Beaver Falls, to either Bird Island or Olivia, has been before the people of the county, but a stubborn resistance on both sides and much lawin’, has left the matter unsettled all these years much to the inconvenience and discomfort of those living any great distance from the county seat. The farmers and residents of other towns have all along asserted that the county seat must be moved toa more central point in the county, and have signified their willingness to support the contesting town securing a legal petition. Bird Island’s petition has been declared illegal by the highest court in Minnesota, which ends county seat matters as far as that place is concerned.
Editor’s Note: You can buy a copy of The Renville County Courthouse Story via our website. We continue to research and learn every day!
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Posted: March 10, 2020 by Renville County Historical Society Leave a Comment
1986 Laker Graduates Buffalo Lake High School
Editor’s Note: If you have information on the class please contact Nicole at the Museum 507-697-6147 or email her [email protected]. We are seeking information on the graduates including spouses, parents and current locations. RCHS is seeking the donation of yearbooks from all of the Renville County towns and consolidated school districts.
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Posted: January 3, 2020 by Renville County Historical Society Leave a Comment
Martin-Jensen Post Organized published in the Franklin Tribune 12-4-1919
Local American Legion Post Now Numbers More than Thirty-five and Growing!
The Franklin Post of the American Legion, Martin-Jensen Post No. 308, is rapidly growing into a strong organization and before long will include all of the servicemen in this community. It was organized with the required fifteen charter members less than two months ago and has now more than doubled membership with application coming in before every meeting of the post. The charter members are R.A. Dahms, Raymond Erickson, Spencer Erickson, Early Erlandson, George Foss, Matt Fox, Arthur H. Johnson, Evan Larson, Leonard Lund, Palmer Lund, N.M. Mahlum, Bert Martin,k Elmer Otnes, John L. Peterson, Harold Poss. Before a charter is granted, a prospective post the application must bear the signature of fifteen members.
Since the charter was received the following named members have been taken into the post: Owen Anderson, Chester Desmond, Archie Gallery, W.m T. Grimes, John Hanlon, Nels Hanson, Joseph McParland, R.J. Neunsinger, Alfred I. Thompson, Leon Thompson, Gilbert Waters, Clifton West, Archie Whetston, Elmer Steen, John O. Erickson, Jos. R. Ford, Emery Bloom, John I. Thompson, Alfred C. Thompson, Edward Wellnitz. More applications are ready to be submitted to the executive committee.
Martin-Jensen post is named for two service boys of this community who gave their lives in France. Joe Martin died on the battlefield in France while Julius Jensen died of influenza at the ort of Brest shortly after arriving there.
A special meeting of Martin-Jensen Post was held Nov. 28, nineteen members being present. The meeting was called to order by Commandant Dahms. Business pertaining to the post was transacted. Resolutions were passed condemning the shooting of four Comrades at Centralia, Washington. The entire meeting united in pledging support to our government and the Legion with one hundred percent Americanism.
Martin-Jensen Post wishes to extend thanks to all who assisted and contributed towards the Legion dance given Nov. 25.
The Workman hall has been procured for Martin-Jensen Post future meetings. A booth will be maintained in the village hall for the sale of Red Cross Christmas seals and this booth will be run under the supervision of the post.
The motto adopted by Martin-Jensen Post is: “One for All and All for One.”
The One Union by Edgar A. Guest
One for all and all for one!
This was the cry that once we made.
And great the buildings reared upon
The stones which our forefathers laid;
Our flag lights every sky today,
A symbol of the world’s renown,
The beacon of the better way.
Shall all selfish creatures tear it down?
Beyond your need for yellow gold,
Above your love for hours of ease,
Oh, toiler at the bench or mold,
Greater than all idolatries
There is a trust for you to keep,
A love that’s better than them all:
For ages shall your children weep
If now the Starry Flag shall fall.
Honest the toil and fair the pay!
United thus must free men stand
To hold the gate and bar the way
To all that would destroy our land.
Above the fortune and the place
Of which too much the wealthy brag.
Now, for the glory of our race,
Must capital esteem our flag!
But one way now all men must take
One path to journey, side by side;
No discord must our courage shake,
No hatred must our strength divide.
The greatest union calls us all,
Its fate upon our will awaits;
Now rich or port, whate’er befall,
Must work for our United States.
The test case to decide the validity of the Soldiers Bonus Law has been advanced on the Supreme Court calendar and arguments will be heard on December 19, 1919, and decision rendered shortly thereafter.
National Headquarters advises that new charters will be issued to all posts, to be signed by the first duly elected National officers. Local posts will continue to use the temporary charters at the present, which are to be replaced by the Permanent Chaters at a later date.
In order to obtain a reissue of certain articles of uniform clothing and equipment, in case articles restored to the government to whom for any reason never issued, may make application to Supplies Division, Office of Director of Storage, Munitions Building, Washington, D.C., whereupon similar clothing and uniform in kind and value as near as may be, will be returned to him.
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Last Updated: January 3, 2020 by Renville County Historical Society Leave a Comment
American Legion and Its Purposes published in the Franklin Tribune September 18, 1919
Object of Soldier Organization is to Foster Americanism and Support Constitution.
During the past few weeks, there has been some talk of organizing a post of the American Legion at Franklin but no action has so far been taken. This is an opportune time to go into action. Posts have been organized in neighboring towns and the work is carried on with enthusiasm. There are more than sixty soldiers and sailors in the Franklin community and this number would make a strong post.
There seems to have been some doubt as to what the American Legion is, what it stands for and its purposes. The membership of the organization is defined in its constitution and its purposes are set forth in the preamble.
Article 11 of the Constitution is as follows: “All persons shall be eligible to membership in this organization who were in the military or naval service of the United States during the period between April 6, 1917, and November 11, 1918, both dates inclusive, and all persons who served in the military or naval service of any government associated with the United States during the World war provided that they were citizens at the time of application, except those person separated from the service under terms amounting to dishonorable discharge, and except those person who refused to perform their military duties on the ground of conscientious objection.”
The preamble to the constitution reads as follows: For God and Country we associate ourselves together for the following purposes: To uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of Amers; To maintain law and order; To foster and perpetuate a one hundred percent Americanism; To preserve the memories and incidents of our association in the Great War; To inculcate a sense of individual obligation of the community, state and nation; To combat the autocracy of both the classes and the masses; To make right the master of might; To promote peace and goodwill on earth; To safeguard and transmit to posterity the principles of justice, freedom, and democracy; To concentrate and sanctify our comradeship by our devotion to mutual helpfulness.”
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