Mills at Bird Island, Hutchinson, Lake Lillian and Grove City are Already Assured
In a communication dated at Washington, March 30, Secretary of Commerce, Jesse Jones, announced the defense plant corporation has authorized execution of eight contracts for $350,000.00 each with the Commodity Credit Corporation for plant facilities, four hemp plants to be located in Illinois and the other four in the state of Minnesota.
The four mills of which already have been authorized and the contracts for erection asked for, will be in Bird Island, Hutchinson, Lake Lillian, and Grove City. All four of these mills are centrally located in this section, and we understand that several other plants are under consideration, while a few have been eliminated, mostly because of the shortage of good seed.
The land owned by Chas. Dahlgren, just south of Bird Island fair grounds, has been chosen as the site for the mill and undoubtedly work on the structure will begin in a short time.
Published in the Bird Island Union, April 1, 1943
Last Updated: October 3, 2019 by Renville County Historical Society Leave a Comment
Red Cross Society’s Organization in 1864 published by the Bird Island Union June 28, 1917
International Scope of the Work Dates from the Geneva Convention
The following history of the Red Cross Society published in the Renville Star Farmer of last week will be of interest to local people who are greatly interested in the work at present:
“The Red Cross, now recognized by all the civilized nations of the world, is the one organization that carries comfort and mercy to every battlefield and every scene of suffering.
“Nations that meet with swords in their hands ground arms before its stations. The flag with the red cross on the white field gives protection and swift aid to the wounded of both sides. It does not inquire into the reason of the quarrel that stretched the wounded soldier on the field. It knows no foe, no nation, no race in its work of mercy. It is the emblem of all peoples and it ministers to all alike.
“The international character of the work of the Red Cross dates from the Geneva convention of 1864. Previous to that the ministrations to the wounded in war fell separately upon each nation. Generally, such aid as the wounded received was given by the medical service of the armies engaged. It was never equal to the task.
“In the American Civil War the United States Sanitary Commission undertook the work of relief and aided by numerous independent organizations which raised money and furnished supplies, it accomplished much. It was the work of this commission that largely gave direction to the efforts of the Geneva convention and furnished it with the emblem now known as the Red Cross. But the Commission was a make-shift and unsatisfactory. It was temporary and something permanent was needed.
“The two great European wars immediately preceding the American struggle–the war in the Crimea and the Franco-Austrian conflict–first opened the eyes of the world to the necessity of supplementing the work of the army surgeons in the field. Florence Nightingale had gone into the hospitals of the Crimea and what she saw and communicated to the world there, as well as her how heroic work for the summer, shocked England and the work into a sense of responsibility for such conditions. This was the first awakening and the humanity thus stirred was kept alive by the work of Henri Dunant in the Austrian war that followed.
“Dunant was a Swiss traveler in Italy when in 1859, the French, Austrians, and Sardinians met in the terrible battle of Solferino. He came upon the field where 50,000 dead and wounded soldiers lay uncared for, and the scenes he beheld there led him to dedicate his life to the work of bringing about an international agreement whereby the horrors of war might be somehow lessened. He began his work upon that field. He organized the women of the neighborhood for service. “A wounded enemy is an enemy no longer,” he told them.
“After the war, Dunant began a systematic campaign among the governments of Europe to win them over to his idea of an international compact whereby the hospital and ambulance services on the battlefields should be neutralized. The Geneva treaty was the result and from that seed sprang the worldwide organization now known as the Red Cross.”
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Posted: September 9, 2019 by Renville County Historical Society Leave a Comment
High School Sports of Renville County Upcoming Exhibit!
The Renville County Historical Society & Museum (RCHS) is in the process of putting together a special exhibit for this fall & winter on the High School Sports of Renville County. RCHS is seeking the donation or loan or High School sports items & photographs for this exhibit. Please contact Nicole at the Museum 507-697-6147 or via email [email protected] if you have items to donate or loan!
Mascots are an important part of high school sports. Did you Renville County school have a mascot costume? Who wore the costume over the years? What are some of your homecoming memories?
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Posted: September 4, 2019 by Renville County Historical Society Leave a Comment
Contract for Hemp Mill to be Let Soon
Mills at Bird Island, Hutchinson, Lake Lillian and Grove City are Already Assured
In a communication dated at Washington, March 30, Secretary of Commerce, Jesse Jones, announced the defense plant corporation has authorized execution of eight contracts for $350,000.00 each with the Commodity Credit Corporation for plant facilities, four hemp plants to be located in Illinois and the other four in the state of Minnesota.
The four mills of which already have been authorized and the contracts for erection asked for, will be in Bird Island, Hutchinson, Lake Lillian, and Grove City. All four of these mills are centrally located in this section, and we understand that several other plants are under consideration, while a few have been eliminated, mostly because of the shortage of good seed.
The land owned by Chas. Dahlgren, just south of Bird Island fair grounds, has been chosen as the site for the mill and undoubtedly work on the structure will begin in a short time.
Published in the Bird Island Union, April 1, 1943
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Posted: August 28, 2019 by Renville County Historical Society Leave a Comment
Soldiers, Sailors, Marines published in the Sacred Heart Journal Sept 12, 1919
Will hold a meeting in the Village hall Monday, Sept. 22 at 8 o’clock for the purpose of organizing a post of the American Legion.
Editor’s Note: The Sacred Heart Post # 229 is named for Joseph Viken who gave his life for his country on December 2, 1918, during World War I. Joseph is buried at St. Mihiel American Cemetery in France. He served in the U.S. Army in the 309th Infantry Regiment, 78th Infantry Division. He entered service on June 23, 1918, and was sent to Camp Grant, IL.
October 15, 1894 – December 2, 1918
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Posted: August 28, 2019 by Renville County Historical Society Leave a Comment
Danube is the 2020 Featured Town Winner!
Results of the ‘DONATE TO VOTE’ contest for 2019 have the city of Danube as the winner for the 2020 Featured Town in the Main Museum at the Renville County Historical Society in Morton, Minnesota.
For the past four years, we have been holding a ‘Donate to Vote’ contest in the Building #4 on the Renville County Fair Grounds in Bird Island, Minnesota. In 2016, Olivia was the winner. In 2017, Bird Island was the winner and was featured at the Fair Grounds for the 2019 Renville County Fair. In 2018, Fairfax was the winner and is the current town featured in the Main Museum and will be featured at the 2020 Renville County Fair. 2019 there were five towns in the running: Danube ($35.12), Buffalo Lake ($4.00), Hector ($22.57), Renville ($12.36) & Sacred Heart ($5.10). Included in the Danube donation bucket were two tokens for Ricky J’s Car Wash which are not factored into the dollar donation total. Congratulations to the City of Danube for winning to be the 2020 Featured Town in the Main Museum. The Renville County Historical Society will start accepting donations and loans for this exhibit September 1, 2019! The exhibit will open April 1, 2020! If you have questions please contact Nicole 507-697-6147 or email her at [email protected]. We continue to collect all Renville County history-related items as well!
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